Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm doing so so so so so

Good...Life right now has turned around for the best. This has been the most trying, yet most rewarding week of my life. Saturday I booked my flight. Sunday I counted the weeks until I saw him again (5.5). Monday I work, but found solace in a co-worker after email chatting with her about wanting to take a personal day, but thought it would look sketch coming from a 22 year old on a Monday morning. Tuesday I saved my mom. Wednesday I got arthritis of the thumbs, but kept typing. Thursday, I read through Prep's FY'08 book. Friday, I was told there would be no one to help in my department (mixed feelings), no more merit awards ($), budget cuts to ensure no one got fired, most likely no annual raises, and taught myself how to do something at work and received huge thanks from the front office, but more importantly internal glee. Saturday, today, I realized if I act right I can have my license sooner than later, and I may go to Vegas this February.

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