Saturday, August 2, 2008

I'm not your man, we're more than friends

The other day my coworkers were talking about how me and another coworker get attention everywhere we go - the breakfast guys know our orders and start it when they see us walking up, the security guards make slick/funny inside jokes to us, guys in the streets hold doors for us, etc. - you know small things like that. So while going through my facebook pictures they ask who this guy is and I tell them he is my boopiece. While some thought I said boopie and others just ignored it thinking that because I said it they should know what it was, one asked "a what?" So then we got into the whole definition of a boopiece. For better words, a boopiece is a flirt buddy, a friend who you joke with who flirts back and while nothing is ever discussed, there are thoughts floating of "what ifs" Some boopieces may evolve and exchange a kiss or two, but real boopieces are just flirt buddies - not to be confused with a friends with benefits. I don't think I did such a great job at explaining it because of the specific piece i was talking about. He was miss categorized as a boopiece - that piece is....someone I am dating. Yeah how about that. He is someone I am dating.

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